Ali Asghar Mirghasemi


Update: 2025-03-05

Ali Asghar Mirghasemi

College of Engineering / Civil Engineering

Journal Papers

  1. "Discrete Element Method Study of Micro–Macro Mechanical Behavior of Unsaturated Granular Soils"
    Mohammad Salehinik, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology, Vol. 12, No 3, 2025
  2. "Undrained Biaxial Simulation of Breakable Particles Using DEM-XFEM Coupling"
    Amirali Alipour Eskandani, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Soheil Mohammadi Tochaei, Javad Raisianzadeh
    Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Vol. 43, No 1, 2024
  3. "Fragility curves evaluation of cemented material dam (CMD) utilizing incremental dynamic analysis"
    Alireza Ayati Ahmadi, Ali Noorzad, Hamid Mohammadnezhad, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Vol. 9, No 11, 2024
  4. "Numerical simulation of creep behavior of clay using discrete element method"
    Hossein Shahabi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Moein Khabazian
    POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 432, No 119121, 2024
  5. "DEM-XFEM Study of Particle Shape Effect on Particle Breakage of Granular Materials"
    Seyyed Mahdi Seyyedan, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Soheil Mohammadi Tochaei
    Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Vol. 41, No 5, pp.3137-3115, 2023
  6. "Macro-micro mechanical study of principal stress rotation in granular materials using DEM simulations of hollow cylinder test"
    Mehran Khakpour, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 425, No 1, 2023
  7. "Seismic Fragility of Rockfill Dams with Asphaltic Concrete Core"
    Alireza Ayati Ahmadi, Ali Noorzad, Hamid Mohammad Nezhad, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Civil Engineering, Vol. 47, No 3, 2023
  8. "DEM Study of Shear Band Formation in Granular Materials under True Triaxial Test Conditions"
    Ahmad H. Hadi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal-CEIJ, Vol. 55, No 2, pp.373-394, 2022
  9. "Use of CFD-DEM to evaluate the effect of intermediate stress ratio on the undrained behaviour of granular materials"
    Talat Foroutan, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
  10. "Discrete-element simulation of drying effect on the volume and equivalent effective stress of kaolinite"
    Moein Khabazian, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Hamed Bayesteh
    GEOTECHNIQUE, Vol. 72, No 2, pp.95-107, 2022
  11. "Numerical simulation of direct shear test on granular materials composed of breakable angular particles: A DEM-XFEM approach"
    Seyyed mahdi Seyyedan, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Soheil Mohammadi Tochaei
    POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 391, No 391, pp.450-466, 2021
  12. "Evaluation of particle shape on direct shear mechanical behavior of ballast assembly using discrete element method (DEM)"
    Akbar Danesh, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Massoud Palassi
    Transportation Geotechnics, Vol. 23, No 100357, 2020
  13. "CFD-DEM model to assess stress-induced anisotropy in undrained granular material"
    Talat Foroutan, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS, Vol. 119, No 1, 2020
  14. "Construction and performance of the Karkheh dam complementary cut-off wall: an innovative engineering solution"
    Mohammad Heidarzadeh, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Niroomand Habib, Faramarz Eslamian
    International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 17, No 6, pp.859-869, 2019
  15. "Micromechanical study of particle breakage in 2D angular rockfill media using combined DEM and XFEM"
    Javad Raisianzadeh, Soheil Mohammadi Tochaei, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    GRANULAR MATTER, Vol. 21, No 3, 2019
  16. "Numerical investigation of particle shape on mechanical behaviour of unsaturated granular soils using elliptical particles"
    Reza Asadi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 29, No 12, pp.3087-3099, 2018
  17. "Compressibility of montmorillonite/kaolinite mixtures in consolidation testing using discrete element method"
    Moein Khabazian, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Hamed Bayesteh
    COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS, Vol. 104, pp.271-280, 2018
  18. "2D simulation of breakage of angular particles using combined DEM and XFEM"
    Raisianzadeh Javad, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Soheil Mohammadi Tochaei
    POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 336, No 6, pp.282-297, 2018
  19. "Effect of sand and clay fouling on the shear strength of railway ballast for different ballast gradations"
    Akbar Danesh, Massoud Palassi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    GRANULAR MATTER, Vol. 20, No 3, pp.150-165, 2018
  20. "Evaluating the influence of ballast degradation on its shear behaviour"
    Akbar Danesh, Massoud Palassi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    International Journal of Rail Transportation, Vol. 6, No 3, pp.145-162, 2018
  21. "On the Micromechanics of True Triaxial Test, Insights from 3D DEM Study"
    Omid Dorostkar, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Civil Engineering, Vol. 42, No 3, pp.259-273, 2018
  22. "A study of principle stress rotation on granular soils using DEM simulation of hollow cylinder test"
    Benyamin Farhang, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 28, No 9, pp.2052-2064, 2017
  23. "Micro-mechanical study of stress path and initial conditions in granular materials using DEM"
    Omid Dorostkar, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 3, No 1, pp.15-27, 2015
  24. "Numerical simulation of porosity and tortuosity effect on the permeability in clay: Microstructural approach"
    Hamed Bayesteh, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    Soils and Foundations, Vol. 55, No 5, pp.1158-1170, 2015
  25. "Construction of relief wells under artesian flow conditions at dam toes: engineering experiences from Karkheh earth dam, Iran"
    Mohammad Heidarzadeh, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Habib Niroomand
    International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 13, No 1, pp.73-80, 2015
  26. "Procedure to detect the contact of platy cohesive particles in discrete element analysis"
    Hamed Bayesteh, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 1, No 244, pp.75-84, 2013
  27. "Application of Cement Grouting for Stablization of Coarse Materials"
    Mohammad Heidarzadeh, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Faramarz Eslamian , Mohammad Sadr Lahijani
    International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 11, No 1, pp.71-77, 2013
  28. "Numerical simulation of pore fluid characteristic effect on the volume change behavior of montmorillonite clays"
    Bayesteh Bayesteh, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS, Vol. 48, pp.146-155, 2013
  29. "Numerical simulation of 3D semi - real - shaped granular particle assembly"
    Morteza Namvar, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 221, pp.431-446, 2012
  30. "Modeling of the permanent deformation characteristics of SMA mixtures using discrete element method"
    Mansour Fakhria , Pezhouhan T Kheiry , Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    Road Materials and Pavement Design, Vol. 13, No 1, pp.67-84, 2012
  31. "Three Dimensional Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations Using Discrete Element Method"
    Mona Arabshahi , Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Ali Reza Majidi
    International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics, Vol. 9, No 4, pp.282-292, 2011
  32. "Particle shape consideration using numerical simulation of irregularly - shaped particles"
    Saba Abedi , Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    PARTICUOLOGY, Vol. 9, No 4, pp.387-397, 2011
  33. "Numerical Simulation of Particle Breakage of Angular Particles Using Combined DEM and FEM"
    Ahad Bagherzadeh Khalkhali , Mohammad Kazem Besharati Givi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Sohail Mohammadi
    POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 205, pp.15-29, 2011
  34. "A discrete element model for simulating saturated granular soil"
    Mahan Lamei , Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    PARTICUOLOGY, Vol. 9, No 6, pp.650-658, 2011
  35. "Three Dimensional Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations Adjacent to Slopes Using Discrete Element Method"
    Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Mona Arabshahi , Alireza Majidi
    International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.160-178, 2010
    Abbas Ghalandarzadeh , Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Kaare Hoeg Kaare Hoeg , Siamak Feizi
    Soils and Foundations, Vol. 49, No 2, pp.153-166, 2009
  37. "Numerical and experimental direct shear tests on coarse - grained soils"
    Ahad Bagherzadeh Khalkhali , Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    PARTICUOLOGY, Vol. 7, No 1, pp.83-91, 2009
  38. "Seismic 3D Bearing Capacity Analysis of Shallow Foundations"
    Alireza Majidi , Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    Siamak Feizi Khankandi , Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Abbas Ghalandar Zadeh , Kaare Hoeg
    Soils and Foundations, Vol. 48, No 3, pp.319-332, 2008
  40. "Effect of Particle Breakage on the Behavior of Simulated Angular Particle Assemblies"
    Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Ehsan Seyedi Hosseininia
    China Particuology, Vol. 5, No 5, pp.328-336, 2007
  41. "Karkheh Dam Instrumentation System - Some Experiences Discussions ( 2 )"
    Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    Geotechnical News, Vol. 24, No 1, pp.32-35, 2007
  42. "Experimental Study of Chemical Grouting of Conglomerate Foundations"
    Mohammad Heidarzadeh , Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Seyed Mansor Etemadzadeh
    International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 5, No 1, pp.83-66, 2007
  43. "Numerical simulation of breakage of two - dimensional polygon - shaped particles using discrete element method"
    Ehsan Seyedi Hosseininia , Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 166, No 2, pp.100-112, 2006
  44. "Discrete Element Method Analysis of Retaining Wall Earth Pressure in Static and Pseudo - Static Conditions"
    Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Mohammad Reza Maleki Javan
  45. "The World's Largest Cutoff Wall at Karkheh Dam"
    Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Mehdi Pakzad , Behnam Shadravan
    International Journal on Hydropower and Dams, Vol. -, No 2, pp.1-6, 2005
  46. "The effect of hydrodynamic pressure of the dam reservoir caused by the earthquake on the results of 3D dynamic analysis of concrete face rockfill dams"
    Araz Nami shabkhaneh, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    Iranian Dam and Hydroelectric Powerplant, Vol. 8, No 30, pp.1-13, 2021
  47. "Monitoring of Cheragh-veis Dam during Impoundig Using Instrumantation Data"
    Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Ehsan Shahiri, Alireza Majidi
    Iranian Dam and Hydroelectric Powerplant, Vol. 7, No 25, pp.14-23, 2020
  48. "Numerical Simulation of Explosion on Cheraghveis Dam"
    Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Sanaz Hadian, Alireza Majidi
    Iranian Dam and Hydroelectric Powerplant, Vol. 6, No 23, 2020
  49. "Numerical simulation of Breakage of Angular Rockfill Materials"
    Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, سهیل محمدی , احد باقرزاده خلخالی
    University, Vol. 45, No 3, pp.291-300, 2011
  50. "Discrete Element Modeling for Two-dimensional Irregularly-shaped Particles"
    صبا عابدی انارکی , Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal-CEIJ, Vol. 45, No 6, pp.671-684, 2011
  51. "مطالعه رفتار سد مارون در مرحله آبگیری به کمک اطلاعات کسب شده از ابزار دقیق"
    مسعود پلاسی , بهنام صالحی , Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    University, Vol. 44, No 5, pp.619-607, 2011
  52. "روش اجزای مجزای سه بعدی در تحلیل ظرفیت باربری پی های سطحی بر روی خاکهای لایه لایه"
    سمیه نصیری , Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal-CEIJ, Vol. 44, No 3, pp.467-457, 2010
  53. "Investigation of TabarakAbad Dam Behavior During Construction Using Back Analysis"
    علیرضا فریور , Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, رضا مهین روستا
    University, Vol. 44, No 3, pp.407-412, 2010
  54. "Hydraulic Fracturing in Embankment Dam Core"
    سید امید خامسی , Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    University, Vol. 44, No 2, pp.181-191, 2010
  55. "Investigation of Asphalt Concrete Materials to be Used in Embankment Dams"
    سیامک فیضی , Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Abbas Ghalandarzadeh
    Sharif Journal Civil Engineering, Vol. 2و26, No 1, pp.85-92, 2010
  56. "Modelling of Metal-Strip Reinforced Earth Using the Discrete Element Method"
    غلام حسین رودی , Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    Mechanical Engineering Sharif, Vol. 25, No 48, pp.3-13, 2009
  57. "بررسی عددی تاثیر خصوصیات خاک بر باندهای برشی"
    Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, حلیا رحمانی
    University, Vol. 41, No 6, pp.834-819, 2007
  58. "تعیین ضرایب ظرفیت باربری و شکل در پی های سطحی به روش اجزای مجزا"
    Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, علیرضا مجیدی
    University, Vol. 39, No 5, pp.632-621, 2006

Conference Papers

  1. "Particle breakage modelling of granular materials in direct shear test using DEM-XFEM"
    S.M. Seyyedan, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Soheil Mohammadi Tochaei
    PGBSIA 2020, 2020
  2. "Numerical simulation of one dimensional consolidation test of montmorillonite/kaolinite mixtures using discrete element method"
    Moein Khabazian, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, حامد بایسته
    PGBSIA 2020, 2020
  3. "Evaluation of Inclinometer Errors and Their Impacts on Data Accuracy (Case Study: Karkheh Dam & Galabar Dam)"
    Hussein Ghasemi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    72nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, GeoSt.John's 2019, 2019
  4. "Monitoring of Cheragh-veis Dam During Construction Using Instrumentation Data"
    Ehsan Shahiri Tabarestani, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Ali Reza Majidi
    11th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2018
  5. "Comparison of 2d and 3d seismic analysis of concrete face rockfill dams in narrow canyons"
    Babak Mahmoodi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    4th International Conference on Long-Term Behaviour and Environmentally Friendly Rehabilitation Technologies of Dams, 2017
    Benyamin Farhang, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    V International Conference on Particle-Based Methods, PARTICLES 2017, 2017
  7. "Particle Shape Consideration in DEM Triaxial Test Simulations"
    Mohammad Mohammadnia, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, 2016
    Bahareh Shoghli, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Yeo Howe Lim
    36th Annual USSD Conference, 2016
  9. "Influence of Earth Pressure Cells Installation Methods on Measurement Accuracy"
    Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Danial Safaifard
    16th African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2015
  10. "The Effect of Initial Elongation of Elliptical Particles on Macro - Micromechanical Behavior during Direct Shear Test"
    Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Morteza Naeij
    the 7th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT7), 2014
  11. "Numerical Simulation of Tortuosity Effect on the Montmorillonite Permeability"
    Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Hamed Bayesteh
    the 7th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT7), 2014
  12. "Accuracy of Stress Data Measured by Earth Pressure Cells Installed in Embankment Dams"
    Abolfazl Hojat Ansari, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, حبیب نیرومند
    International Conference on Civil Engineering Architecture & Urban Sustainable Development, 2013
  13. "Monitoring of ECRD Dams Behavior during Impounding using Instrumentation Data"
    Abolfazl Hojat Ansari, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    International Conference on Civil Engineering Architecture & Urban Sustainable Development, 2013
  14. "Analysis of Swelling Behavior of Clay Minerals by Discrete Numerical Simulation"
    Hamed Bayesteh, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    First International Porous and Powder Materials Symposium PPM 2013, 2013
  15. "Procedure for contact detection Between Platy Cohesive Particles"
    Hamed Bayesteh, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    First International Porous and Powder Materials Symposium (PPM 2013), 2013
  16. "Influence of Trench Soil Properties on the Accuracy of Pressure Cell Measurements in Embankment Dams"
    Davo Elmi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    10th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 2012
  17. "Numerical Simulation of Direct Shear Test Using Elliptical Particles"
    Morteza Naeij, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    Second International Symposium on Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials, 2012
  18. "Study of Anisotropies Evolution in Direct Shear Test Using Discrete Element Methods"
    Morteza Naeij, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    Second International Symposium on Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials, 2012
  19. "Mechanical Behavior of Granular Particles with Different Angularities"
    Mohammad Mehdi Mollanouri, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    Second International Symposium on Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials, 2012
  20. "A Numerical Modeling of Piping Phenomenon in Earth Dams"
    Nazli Zaki Alamdari, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    International Conference on Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2012
  21. "Granular particle shape and its influence on Triaxial Test results"
    Mohammad Hassan Shamsi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, K Mosavat
    65th Canadian Geotechnical Conference (GeoManitoba 2012, 2012
  22. "Temperature Analysis of EarthDams-A Case Study"
    Niloofar Bagheri, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    13th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2023
  23. "Behavior Investigation of Unsaturated Granular Soils with Elliptical Shapes Using Discrete Element Method"
    محمد صالحی نیک جوقانی, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    The 10th National Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Sustainable Urban Development of Iran, 2023
  24. "Study of The Effect of Particle Sphericity on Dynamic Behavior of Saturated Granular Soils Using DEM"
    Seyyed Mohsen Nakhaei, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    2nd National Conference on Civil Engineering, Intelligent Development and Sustainable Systems, 2022
  25. "Effect of Stress Level on Creep behavior of Clay Samples Using DEM"
    حسین شهابی, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, معین خبازیان
    2nd National Conference on Civil Engineering, Intelligent Development and Sustainable Systems, 2022
  26. "Study of The Effect of Particle Angularity on Dynamic Behavior of Saturated Granular Soils Using DEM"
    Seyyed Mohsen Nakhaei, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    The 13rd National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2022
  27. "Comparison of the results of 2D and 3D dynamic analysis of CFRDs in narrow valleys by applying the effects of reservoir hydrodynamic pressure"
    آراز نامی, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    The first International Conference on Earthquake and Seismic Geotechnical Engineering, 2021
  28. "The effect of reservoir hydrodynamic pressure on the results of three-dimensional dynamic analysis of CFRDs in narrow valleys"
    آراز نامی, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    The first International Conference on Earthquake and Seismic Geotechnical Engineering, 2021
  29. "The Effect of Reservoir Hydrodynamic Pressure on Result of 2D Dynamic Analysis of CFRDs"
    آراز نامی, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    6th Dam and Tunnel Conference & Expo, 2021
  30. "Static and Dynamic Analysis of Rockfill Dams with Asphaltic Concrete Core"
    علیرضا آیتی احمدی, Ali Ali Noorzad, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    6th Dam and Tunnel Conference & Expo, 2021
  31. "Effect of materials properties backfilled in pressure cell installation trench, and dam height on global and local arching in earth dams clay core"
    Ali Rahmani, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, رضا شهبازی
    6th Dam and Tunnel Conference & Expo, 2021
  32. "Effect o Granular Material Shape on the Shear Strength"
    اکبر دانش, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Massoud Palassi
    6th. National Congress on Civil Engineering , Architecture and Urban Development, 2019
  33. "Numerical Simulation of Direct Shear Test with Considering Real Particle Shape"
    اکبر دانش, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Massoud Palassi
    6 th .National Congress on Civil Engineering , Architecture and Urban Development, 2019
  34. "study of b-value effect in undrained true triaxia; test using coupled CFD-DEM model"
    طلعت فروتن, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    Fourth Iranian Geotechnical Engineering Conference, 2019
  35. "2D Simulation of Particle Breakege Using Combined DEM and XFEM"
    جواد رئیسیان زاده, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Soheil Mohammadi Tochaei
    11th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2018
  36. "2D static Analysis for Concrete Faced Rocfill Dams Heightening and Its Effect on Settelment"
    علی عیدی, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    11th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2018
  37. "Influence of material properties of earth pressure placement trench on local arching using 3D analysis"
    Mona Abbasi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    3rd National & 1st International Conference in Applied research on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban planning, 2016
  38. "Effect of constitutive model and analysis type on dynamic behaviour of concrete slabs in CFR dams"
    Babak Mahmoudi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    3rd National Conference and 1st International Conference on Applied Researches in Civil Engineering Architecture and Urban Managment, 2016
  39. "Effect of reservoir water level on nonlinear dynamic response of CFRDs"
    Babak Mahmoudi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    3.rd International Congress on Civil Engineering , Architecture and Urban Development, 2015
  40. "Effect of backfill properties of earth pressure cell trench on local arching during impounding"
    Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Maryam Abbasi
    3.rd International Congress on Civil Engineering , Architecture and Urban Development, 2015
  41. "Study of Embankment Dams Cut-Off wall Behaviour During First Impounding with Different Insertion Length into Clay Core"
    Hamid Reza Rahmani, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    The 8th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2014
  42. "Dynamic Analysis of Embankment Dams Cut-Off wall with Different Insertion Length into Clay Core"
    Hamid Reza Rahmani, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    The 8th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2014
  43. "Granular Material Micromechanics Behaviour in Compression Triaxial Test Using DEM"
    Omid Dorostkar, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    The 8th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2014
  44. "Interaction between Face Slab and Rockfill in 3D Dynamic Analysis of CFRDs"
    Sajad Salemi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    Fifth National Conference On structure and Earthquake, 2014
  45. "Dam Failure due to Internal Piping - A Numerical Study"
    Maryamsadat Hamidian Divkalaei Hamidian Divkalaei, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Nazli Zaki Alamdari
    International Conference on Civil Engineering Architecture & Urban Sustainable developement, 2013
  46. "3D Static Analysis of CFRDs Considering Elasto-Plastic Behaviour of Concrete Slab"
    Sajad Salemi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    International Conference on Civil Engineering Architecture & Urban Sustainable Development, 2013
  47. "Comparison Between 2D and 3D Dynamic Analysis of Inclined Core Rockfill Dams in Narrow vallies"
    Mohsen Biglari, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    The 1st Iranian Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, 2013
  48. "Monitoring of Embankment Dams During Simultaneous Impounding and Loading Conditions"
    Abolfazl Hojat Ansari, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Habib Niroomand
    The 1st Iranian Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, 2013
  49. "Analysis of End of Construction Effective Stress in Different Cross Sections of Embankment Dams Located in Narrow Valley"
    Sahar Najarzadeh, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    The 1st Iranian Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, 2013
  50. "Dam break due to overtopping - Experimental inverstigation"
    Maryamsadat Hamidian Divkalaei Hamidian Divkalaei, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Seyed Taghi Omid Naeeni
    11th Iranian Hydraulic Conference, 2012
  51. "baesi"
    Dorsa Elmi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    conference, 2012
  52. "The Effect of Soil Cohesion Parameters on the time evolution and breach development pattern of Earth Dam Failure"
    Maryamsadat Hamidian Divkalaei Hamidian Divkalaei, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Seyed Taghi Omid Naeeni
    International Conference on Civil Engineering Architecture & Urban Sustainable developement, 2012
  53. "برآورد میزان تراوایی و مقدار تراوش در ساختگاه سد سیمره"
    خشایار سلگی, علی اکبر نجمی, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    اولین کنفرانس بین المللی و سومین کنفرانس ملی سد و نیروگاههای بقابی در ایران, 2012