Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-13

Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi

College of Engineering / Civil Engineering

Journal Papers

  1. "Impacts of Dam Removal on Water Quality: Case Study of Zonouz Dam"
    Parisa Pouabedini, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi, Zahra Akbari
    Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Civil Engineering, Vol. -, 2024
  2. "Predicting Sediment Transport on Steep Slopes After Dam Removal: A Case Study of Zonouz Dam"
    Parisa Pouabedini, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    Journal of Hydraulic Structures (JHS), Vol. 9, No 1, pp.81-97, 2023
  3. "Total mechanical energy budget in open-channel transitions with turbulent flows"
    Mahsa Mahmoodi, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    Water Supply, Vol. 23, No 3, pp.1451-1462, 2023
  4. "Determining the spatial contributions of land use changes on the streamflow and sediment transport regimes: a case study of the Gorganroud watershed in Iran"
    Mohammad Masoud Mohammadpour Khoie, Mohsen Nasseri, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
  5. "Analysis of the details of total mechanical energy balance and turbulent flow characteristics in irregular open-channels"
    Mahsa Mahmoudi, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    ENVIRONMENTAL FLUID MECHANICS, Vol. 22, No 5, pp.1187-1209, 2022
  6. "Analytical and numerical investigation of mechanical energy balance and energy loss of three-dimensional steady turbulent flows in open-channels"
    Mahsa Mahmoud, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, Vol. 70, No 2, pp.222-233, 2022
  7. "Theoretical Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Mechanical Energy Loss of Turbulent Flows in Open-Channel Expansions"
    Mahsa Mahmoudi, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    Journal of Hydraulic Structures (JHS), Vol. 7, No 4, pp.26-44, 2022
  8. "Development of a non-coupled algorithm for simulating long-term sedimentation in the Zonouz dam reservoir, Iran"
    Zeinab Khorrami, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
  9. "A time-splitting pressure-correction projection method for complete two-fluid modeling of a local scour hole"
    Kambiz Farahi Moghadam, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi, Peyman Badiei, علی شیرکوند
    International Journal of Sediment Research, Vol. 35, No 4, pp.395-407, 2020
  10. "Hydrological and Hydraulic Uncertainty Analysis in Probabilistic Design of Flood Diversion Systems Using NSGAII and Bivariate Frequency Analysis"
    Yahya Rahimi, Bahram Saghafian, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Civil Engineering, Vol. NA, 2020
  11. "Short-Term and Long-Term Solutions of Two-Dimensional Shallow Water Equations Using the Modified Decomposition Method"
    Hossein Saboorkazeran, مهدی رئوفیان نایینی, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Civil Engineering, Vol. NA, 2020
  12. "Numerical simulation of sedimentation process in reservoirs and development of a non-coupled algorithm to improve long-term modeling"
    Zeinab Khorrami, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    International Journal of Sediment Research, Vol. 34, No 3, pp.279-294, 2019
  13. "Improving multi-block sigma-coordinate for 3D simulation of sediment transport and steep slope bed evolution"
    Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi, Zeinab Khorrami
    applied mathematical modeling, Vol. 67, pp.378-398, 2019
  14. "A numerical approach to solve fluid-solid two-phase flows using time splitting projection method with a pressure correction technique"
    Kambiz Farahi Moghadam, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi, Peyman Badiei, علی شیرکوند
  15. "A new approach to solve mixture multi-phase flow model using time splitting projection method"
    Asghar Bohluly, Farhang Behrangi, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi, Masoud Montazeri Namin
  16. "FGA-MMF method for the simulation of two-phase flows"
    Farhang Behrangi, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi, Masoud Montazeri Namin, Asghar Bohluly
  17. "Sediment settling in the Latian Dam in Iran"
    Farhang Behrangi, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi, Shayesteh Mahani, محمدرضا رحمانیان
    International Journal of Sediment Research, Vol. 29, No 2, pp.208-217, 2014
  18. "1. The Advantages of Using the Mixture Multiphase Model for Studying Air- Water Flow over Spillways"
    Farhang Behrangi, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi, Leila Amiri, Amirreza Saghir
    international journal of multidisciplinary research (ijmmr), Vol. 2, No 10, pp.107-111, 2014
  19. "One - dimensional dam - break flow modeling for variable width channels using an implicit semi - Lagrangian method"
    Hamed Sarveram , Abolfazl Shamsai , Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment, Vol. 10, No 1, pp.835-838, 2012
  20. "Introduction of a new empirical reservoir shape function to define sediment distribution pattern in dam reservoirs"
    Mohamad Reza Rahmanian , Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
  21. "Deterministic and Fuzzy Evaluation of Human and Climate Contributions in Changing Hydrologic Regime: A Case Study of the Gorganrood Watershed at Tamar River Hydrometric Station"
    Mohammad Masoud Mohammadpour Khoie, Mohsen Nasseri, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 48, No 2, 2022
  22. "Developing Rule Curve for Operation of Spillway Gates using Sequential Approach: Case Study of Mahabad Dam"
    Shayan Mohseni, Banafsheh Zahraie, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    Civil engineering Modarres, Vol. 19, No 3, 2019
  23. "Dam Safety Risk Assessment (Case Study: Flood Risk for Golestan Dam)"
    Mona Mahmoudianshoushtari, Bahram Malekmohammadi, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    Amirkabir Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 48, No 4, pp.395-405, 2017
  24. "Determination of critical tailwater depth of local scour in the downstream of overflow jets"
    مجتبی صانعی, Hoda Hadidi, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    Watershed managment Journal, Vol. 5, No 4, pp.282-288, 2013
  25. "مطالعه آزمایشگاهی پیشروی زبانه رسوبی در مخزن"
    Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi, صفی یاری امیدرضابنی
    University, Vol. 43, No 2, pp.383-394, 2009
  26. "Flushing Sediment Removal Optimization Using Reservoir Operation Model: Sefid- Rud Case Study"
    سیدسعید اشرف واقفی , Banafsheh Zahraie, Bahram Malekmohammadi, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    Iranian Journal of Watershed Management Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No 6, pp.39-48, 2009
  27. "مطالعه آزمایشگاهی اثر تراز آب مخزن و مشخصات هیدرولیکی و رسوبی دهانه ورودی مخزن بر سرعت پیشروی دلتا"
    جعفر مامی زاده , رشید جمشیدی , سیدعلی اکبر صالحی , سیدعلی ایوب زاده , Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Vol. 67, No 5, 2009

Conference Papers

  1. "Impacts of Dam Removal on Sediment Transport: Case Study of Zonouz Dam"
    Parisa Pouabedini, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    21st Iranian Hydraulic Conference, 2023
  2. "Computation of the details of energy losses in non-homogeneous turbulent flows in open-channel transitions"
    Mahsa Mahmoudi, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    12th International River Engineering Conference, 2021
  3. "A Report on the Recent five Decades Water Education and Capacity Building at the University of Tehran"
    Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    International Conference on Water and Environment in the New Millennium: Education and Capacity Building, 2016
  4. "An Efficient Solution for Advection Equation in Multiphase ModelMixture"
    Farhang Behrangi, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi, Masoud Montazeri Namin, علی خوش خلق
    2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Civil Engineering, Architectural & Urban Development, 2016
  5. "Development of 1D and 2D coupled model to simulate flood using unstructured triangular grid"
    Hoda Bozorgi Amiri, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    ACE 2014 11th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 2014
  6. "A cell vertex finite volume method for simulating shallow water flow in a channel with a sudden enlargment"
    Hoda Bozorgi Amiri, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    ACE 2014 11th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 2014
  7. "A Numerical Modeling of Piping Phenomenon in Earth Dams"
    Nazli Zaki Alamdari, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi
    International Conference on Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2012
  8. "Investigation on Details of Total Mechanical Energy Balance in 3D Free Surface Turbulent flows with expansion"
    [] [], Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    21st Iranian Hydraulic Conference, 2023
  9. "Investigation of the relation between energy loss and turbulence parameters in pen channels"
    [] [], Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    4th International Conference & 5th National Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture, Art and Urban Design, 2022
  10. "Long-term simulation of reservoir sedimentation using the non-coupled algorithm-Zonouz Dam"
    Zeinab Khorrami, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    20th Iranian Hydraulic Conference, 2021
  11. "Evaluation of different scenarios in flood prediction using statistical learning machine and TIGGE products in Seymareh watersehd"
    Mohammad Javad Ahmadian Mazraeh, Mohsen Nasseri, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    8th comprehensive conference of Flood management and Engineering, 2021
  12. "Reservoir Dam Operation in the Framework of Integrated Flood Management"
    Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    6th Dam & Tunnel Conference and Exp, 2021
  13. "Advantages ans Limitations of Multi-phase Mixture Model for Simulation of Hydraulic phenomena"
    Farhang Behrangi, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi, Masoud Montazeri Namin
    15th Iranian Hydraulics Conference, 2016
  14. "Environmental Conflict Resolution and Stakeholder Participation- Case Study: Gotwand Dam Reservoir Salinity Remedy"
    Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    National Conference on Environmental Protection, 2016
  15. "Golestan Dam Failure Probability estimation due to internal piping"
    Amir Hossein Moghaddas, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    8th National Civil Engineering Congress, 2014
  16. "Golestan Dan Risk Assessment based on Life Loss"
    Amir Hossein Moghaddas, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    8th National Civil Engineering Congress, 2014
  17. "Two-dimensional equations governing supercritical permanent currents on runoff overflows with complex geometries"
    Zeinab Khorrami, Masoud Montazeri Namin, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    8th National Congress of Civil Engineering, 2014
  18. "Numerical Modeling of Dam Break Flow Using Cell Vetex Unstructured Triangular Grid"
    Hoda Bozorgi Amiri, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi
    8th National Civil Engineering Congress, 2014
  19. "Dam Failure due to Internal Piping - A Numerical Study"
    Maryamsadat Hamidian Divkalaei Hamidian Divkalaei, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Nazli Zaki Alamdari
    International Conference on Civil Engineering Architecture & Urban Sustainable developement, 2013
  20. "Laboratory study of gaps in the earth's dam"
    Maryamsadat Hamidian Divkalaei Hamidian Divkalaei, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi, Seyed Taghi Omid Naeeni, Nazli Zaki Alamdari
    7th National Civil Engineering Conference, 2013
  21. "Dam break due to overtopping - Experimental inverstigation"
    Maryamsadat Hamidian Divkalaei Hamidian Divkalaei, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Seyed Taghi Omid Naeeni
    11th Iranian Hydraulic Conference, 2012
  22. "The Effect of Soil Cohesion Parameters on the time evolution and breach development pattern of Earth Dam Failure"
    Maryamsadat Hamidian Divkalaei Hamidian Divkalaei, Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi, Ali Asghar Mirghasemi, Seyed Taghi Omid Naeeni
    International Conference on Civil Engineering Architecture & Urban Sustainable developement, 2012
  23. "Analysis of parameters affecting reservoir flushing and their impacts on the success of the operation using RESCOM model indicators"
    Mohammad Ali Bani Hashemi, Banafsheh Zahraie, سیدسعید اشرف واقفی , فرهنگ بهرنگی
    7th Iranian Conference on Hydraulics, 2008