Navid Khademi

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-05

Navid Khademi

College of Engineering / Civil Engineering

Journal Paper

  1. "Brain activity patterns reflecting security perceptions of female cyclists in virtual reality experiments"
    Mohammad Arbabpour Bidgoli, Arian Behmanesh, Navid Khademi, Phromphat Thansirichaisree, Zuduo Zheng, Sara Saberi Moghadam Tehrani, Sajjad Mazloum, Sirisilp Kongsilp
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 15, 2025
  2. "Designing safer intersections: Exploring the impact of visual and auditory warnings on pedestrian behavior in a virtual simulated environment"
    Navid Khademi, Sajjad Mazloum, Amirmohammad Zabihpour, Anthony Chen
    SAFETY SCIENCE, Vol. 178, 2024
  3. "Disability-specific factors in paratransit system continuance: Implications for transportation policy and practice in low-income developing countries"
    Ali Ekramifard, Navid Khademi, Krisada Chaiyasarn, Zuduo Zheng
    Transport Policy, Vol. 153, pp.173-189, 2024
  4. "Departure time choices and a modeling framework for a guidance system"
    Navid Khademi, Hamed Kharrazi, Anthony Chen, Krisada Chaiyasarn, Seghir Zerguini
    Journal of Choice Modelling, Vol. 51, No 100476, 2024
  5. "Mosaic crack mapping of footings by convolutional neural networks"
    Apichat Buatik, Phromphat Thansirichaisree, Phisutwat Kalpiyapun, Navid Khademi, Ittipon Pasityothin, Nakhorn Poovarodom
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 14, 2024
  6. "Building a less intimidating cycling environment for women: A structural equation modeling analysis based on a VR-based laboratory experiment"
    Navid Khademi, Mohammadamin Naeinizadeh, Sayna Firoozi Yeganeh, Arian Behmanesh, Ali Ekramifard, Krisada Chaiyasarn, Zuduo Zheng, Mohammad Arbabpour Bidgoli, Hossein Azarmi, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi
  7. "A qualitative exploration of factors influencing women's intention to use shared taxis: A study on the characteristics of urban commuting behavior in Iran"
    Sayna Firoozi Yeganeh, Navid Khademi, Hojatollah Farahani, Mohammad Ali Besharat
    Transport Policy, Vol. 129, No 1, pp.90-104, 2022
  8. "A Random Effects Model for Travel-Time Variability Analysis Using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Data"
    Mohammad Ghavidel, Navid Khademi, Ehsan Bahrami Samani, Le-Minh Kieu
  9. "Simultaneous schedule of trains and track maintenance according to stochastic blockage time"
    Mostafa Bababeik, Mohammad Farjadamin, Navid Khademi, Amirhossein Fani
    International Journal of Rail Transportation, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.1-19, 2021
  10. "Sparse rail network robustness analysis: Functional vulnerability levels of accidents resulting from human errors"
    Navid Khademi, Mostafa Bababeik, Amirhossein Fani
    Journal of Safety Science and Resilience, Vol. 2, No 3, pp.111-123, 2021
  11. "A Method to Design Facility Layout in Passenger Terminals using Optimization and Simulation"
    Mohsen Mahmoudi, Morteza Bagheri, Navid Khademi, Afshin Shariat Mohaymany
    International Journal of Railway Research, Vol. 7, No 1, pp.51-59, 2020
  12. "Latent learning and the formation of a spatiotemporal cognitive map of a road network"
    Navid Khademi, Ramin Saedi
    Travel Behaviour and Society, Vol. 14, No 1, 2019
  13. "Travel time cognition: Exploring the impacts of travel information provision strategies"
    Ramin Saedi, Navid Khademi
    Travel Behaviour and Society, Vol. 14, No 1, 2019
  14. "Increasing the resilience level of a vulnerable rail network: The strategy of location and allocation of emergency relief trains"
    Mostafa Bababeyk, Navid Khademi, Anthony Chen
  15. "Women’s mode and trip structure choices in daily activity-travel: a developing country perspective"
    Mohammad Ali Arman, Navid Khademi, Matthieu De Lapparent
    TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 41, No 8, pp.845-877, 2018
  16. "Analysis of incident costs in a vulnerable sparse rail network – Description and Iran case study"
    Navid Khademi, Mohsen Babaei, Jan-dirk Schmocker, Amirhossein Fani
    Research in Transportation Economics, Vol. 70, pp.9-27, 2018
  17. "A security vulnerability analysis model for dangerous goods transportation by rail – Case study: Chlorine transportation in Texas-Illinois"
    Masoud Khanmohamadi, Morteza Bagheri, Navid Khademi, Seyed Farid Ghannadpour
    SAFETY SCIENCE, Vol. 100, No 1, pp.160-169, 2018
  18. "Short-Range Prediction of the Zone of Moving Vehicles in Arterial Networks"
    Rouzbeh Forouzandeh Jonaghani, Sepehr Honarparvar, Navid Khademi
    ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, Vol. 7, No 2, 2018
  19. "Vulnerability evaluation of freight railway networks using a heuristic routing and scheduling optimization model"
    Mostafa Bababeyk, Mohamadmahdi Nasirikhonsari, Navid Khademi, Anthony Chen
    TRANSPORTATION, Vol. 45, No 1, pp.1-28, 2017
  20. "Investigating the road safety management capacity: Toward a lead agency reform"
    Navid Khademi, Abdoul-ahad Choupani
    IATSS Research, Vol. 1, No 1, 2017
  21. "Fixed-route taxi system: route network design and fleet size minimization problems"
    Mohsen Babaei, Jan-dirk Schmoker, Navid Khademi, Ahmad-reza Ghaffari, Ali Naderan
    JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION, Vol. 50, No 6, pp.1252-1271, 2016
  22. "Day-to-day travel time perception modeling using an adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS)"
    Navid Khademi, Mojtaba Rajabi Bahaabdi, Afshin Shariat Mohaymany, Mahdi Samadzad
    EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, Vol. 5, No 1, 2016
  23. "Transportation network vulnerability analysis for the case of a catastrophic earthquake"
    Navid Khademi, Behrooz Balaei, Matin Shahri, Mojgan Mirzaei, Behrang Sarrafi, Moeid Zahabiun, Afshin Shariat Mohaymany
    International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 12, 2015
  24. "Using Analytic Hierarchy/Network Process (AHP/ANP) in Developing Countries: Shortcomings and Suggestions"
    Navid Khademi, Kambiz Behniya, Ramin Saedi
    ENGINEERING ECONOMIST, Vol. 59, No 1, pp.2-29, 2014
  25. "Deriving Fuzzy Inequalities Using Discrete Approximation of Fuzzy Numbers"
    Navid Khademi, مجتبی رجبی, Afshin Shariat Mohaymany, جلیل شاهی
    International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, Vol. 24, No 3, pp.207-216, 2013
  26. "An Algorithm for the Analytic Network Process (ANP) Structure Design"
    Navid Khademi, Afshin Shariat Mohaymany, Jalil Shahi, Seghir Zerguini
    Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Vol. 19, pp.33-55, 2011
  27. "Intelligent Transportation System User Service Selection and Prioritization"
    Navid Khademi, Afshin Shariat Mohaymany, Jalil Shahi
    TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, Vol. 2189, No 1, pp.45-55, 2010
  28. "Designing Safe Intersections: Investigating the Effect of Visual and Audible Warnings on Pedestrian Red Light Violations Using Virtual Reality (VR) Environment"
    سجاد مظلوم, Navid Khademi, Amirmohammad Zabihpour
    Journal of Traffic Engineering, Vol. 1403, No 97, pp.83-97, 2024
  29. "Increasing the Resilience of Rail Network through the Optimal Location of Relief Trains"
    مصطفی بابابیک, Kambiz Behniya, Navid Khademi
    Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 21, No 2, pp.217-231, 2024
  30. "Using Attacker-defender Model for Transit Network Vulnerability Analysis"
    AREF BABAZADEH, Navid Khademi, Abbas Babazadeh
    Quarterly Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. آنلاین, 2019
  31. "Transportation network temporal cognition and unconsciousness learning in day-to-day trips"
    Navid Khademi, Mostafa Bababeyk, Ramin Saedi
    Quarterly Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 9, No 4, pp.497-512, 2018
  32. "Influence of different methods of informing passengers (visual, aural, and textual) on their perception and association"
    Navid Khademi, Mostafa Bababeyk, Ramin Saedi
    Quarterly Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 6, No 3, pp.357-375, 2018
  33. "Analysis of Bus Travel Time Reliability Using GPS Data"
    Mojtaba Rajabi Bahaabdi, Navid Khademi, Roozbeh Foroozandeh, Afshin Shariat Mohaymany
    Quarterly Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 9, No 3, pp.295-313, 2018
  34. "Short Term Prediction of Travel Time on Links of Network using Transit Buses Positioning System Data"
    Roozbeh Foroozandeh, Farshad Hakimpour, Navid Khademi
    Journal Of Geomatics Science And Technology, Vol. 5, No 3, pp.77-97, 2016
  35. "Determining Travel Times on Arterial Links Using Probe Vehicles Data"
    Roozbeh Foroozandeh, Farshad Hakimpour, Navid Khademi
    Geospatial Engineering Journa, Vol. 6, No 4, pp.47-60, 2015
  36. "Economic evaluation of public transit systems considering uncertainties in Economic Parameters: The case of the Qom metro system"
    Sajjad Abbastabar, Navid Khademi, Kambiz Behniya, Mahdi Samadzad
    Quarterly Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 6, No 1, pp.117-144, 2014

Conference Paper

  1. "Optimization of Earthmoving Operations in Construction Engineering through the Integration of Discrete Event Simulation and Genetic Algorithms"
    Ehsan Yavari, Vahid Zamani, Hosein Taghaddos, Navid Khademi
    10th.International Congress On Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Development, 2024
  2. "Exploration of women cyclists’ perceived security using tree-based machine learning algorithms"
    Peyman Noorbakhsh, Navid Khademi, Krisada Chaiyasarn
    The 6th International Conference on Emerging Data and Industry (EDI40), 2023
  3. "Approach to perceive cycling safety: A virtual reality (VR) experimental study combined with the analysis of electroencephalography (EEG) signals"
    Mohammad Arbabpour Bidgoli, Navid Khademi, Fariya Sharmeen, Mehrshad Ghorbanisharif, Sara Saberi Moghadam Tehrani
  4. "Portable Facilities Layout Simulation and Optimization for a Railway Station: A case study"
    Mohsen Mahmoudi, Morteza Bagheri, Navid Khademi, Afshin Shariat Mohaymany
    Transportation Research Board (TRB) 101nd Annual Meeting, 2022
  5. "Travel time variability analysis for Bluetooth sensor data"
    Mohammad Ghavidel, Navid Khademi, Ehsan Bahrami, Sadaf Milani
    International Symposium on Transport Network Reliability (INSTR), 2020
  6. "Exploring the Impact of Travel Information Provision Strategies on Travel Time Cognition"
    Ramin Saedi, Navid Khademi
    Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, 2019
  7. "A two-objective optimization model for locating service facilities at the Railway station using pedestrian behavior simulation, Case Study: Tehran railway station"
    Morteza Bagheri, Parinaz Bazeghi Kisomi, Arman Tadayon, Vahid Pourahmadi, Navid Khademi, Alireza Amirshahi
    Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, 2019
  8. "Activity-Travel Analysis of Women in a Patriarchal Society with Strong Gender Norms"
    Mohammad Ali Arman, Navid Khademi, Matthieu De Lapparent, Ramin Saedi
    Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, 2019
  9. "Getting Knowledge without Through Experiencing: Exploring the Phenomena of Driver’s Latent Learning"
    Navid Khademi, Ramin Saedi
    Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, 2019
  10. "Developing a train timetable according to track maintenance plans: A stochastic optimization of buffer time schedules"
    Mostafa Bababeyk, Seghir Zerguini, Mohammad Farjadamin, Navid Khademi, Morteza Bagheri
    21st EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, EWGT 2018, 17th – 19th September 2018, Braunschweig, Germany, 2018
  11. "Analysis of Nowruz vacation trips using a three level nested logit model"
    Sayna Firoozi Yeganeh, Mahdi Samadzad, Navid Khademi, Ali Abaspour Sirjani
    11th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2018
  12. "Real-Time Link Travel Time Estimation: Using Buses as Traffic Probes"
    Rouzbeh Forouzandeh Jonaghani, Navid Khademi, Farshad Hakimpour
    International Research Conference on Civil, Transportation and Environmental Engineering, 2016
  13. "Vulnerability Analysis of Railway Networks in Case of Multi Link Blockage"
    Mostafa Bababeyk, Navid Khademi, Anthony Chen, Mohamadmahdi Nasirikhonsari
    19th EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, 2016
  14. "Vulnerability Evaluation of Railway Networks in Case of Multi-Link Blockage"
    Mostafa Bababeyk, Navid Khademi, Anthony Chen
    19th EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, EWGT2016, 2016
  15. "Robustness analysis of road transportation networks"
    Amirmasoud Almotahari, Navid Khademi, Mostafa Bababeyk, Kambiz Behniya
    The 15th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation, 2016
  16. "Vulnerability Analysis of Railway Networks in Case of Multi-Link Blockage"
    Mostafa Bababeyk, Navid Khademi, Kambiz Behniya
    The 15th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation, 2016
  17. "Impacts of disruptions in transportation networks on departure pattern of travelers"
    Navid Khademi, Amirmasoud Almotahari, Mostafa Bababeyk, Kambiz Behniya
    The 15th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation, 2016
  18. "Fuzzy Satisfaction Threshold of Route Travel Time Prediction"
    Mojtaba Rajabi Bahaabdi, Navid Khademi, Milad Mahdizadeh
    The 15th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation, 2016
  19. "A taxonomic review to recognize the cause and mechanism of transportation network disruptions and analyze the vulnerability of the network after the damage"
    Navid Khademi, Amirmasoud Almotahari, Mostafa Bababeyk, Kambiz Behniya
    The 15th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation, 2016
  20. "Travel time cognition and latent (unconscious) learning"
    Navid Khademi, Ramin Saedi
    The 15th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation, 2016
  21. "Traveler information provision strategies (visual, aural, textual, or multimodal) and their effects on the cognition of time"
    Navid Khademi, Ramin Saedi
    The 15th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation, 2016
  22. "Cognitive map of the transportation network"
    Navid Khademi, Ramin Saedi
    The 15th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation, 2016
  23. "Virtual Reality Modeling for Optimal Window Selection to Reduce Energy Consumption and Costs in Buildings Under Construction"
    Mahshid Khanjari, Sayyed Vahid Faghihi, Navid Khademi
    2nd University of Tehran Industry and Civil Engineering Forum, 2025
  24. "Investigating pedestrian attention points at urban traffic light intersections using a virtual reality (VR) environment equipped with a weather simulation system"
    Sajjad Mazloum, Navid Khademi
    The 6th International Conference on Traffic Management and Safety, 2024
  25. "Designing Safe Intersections: Investigating the Effect of Visual and Audible Warnings on Pedestrian Red Light Violations Using Virtual Reality (VR) Environment"
    Sajjad Mazloum, Navid Khademi, Amirmohammad Zabihpour
    The 6th International Conference on Traffic Management and Safety, 2024
  26. "Investigating the factors influencing the loyalty of disabled people in using the paratransit system for war wounded and disabled people using the technology continuance theory"
    Ali Ekramifard, Sayna Firoozi Yeganeh, Navid Khademi, Mohammad amin Naeini zadeh labbaf, Sajjad Mazloum
    13th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2023
  27. "Analysis of factors on women's perceived security in using the bicycle travel mode: a laboratory study in a virtual reality environment"
    Mohammad amin Naeini zadeh labbaf, Sayna Firoozi Yeganeh, Navid Khademi, Ali Ekramifard, Mohammad Arbabpour Bidgoli, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi
    13th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2023
  28. "Knowing the attitudinal indicators in traveling with micro-mobility transportation tools"
    S Ahmad Jafari, Mohammad Arbabpour Bidgoli, Navid Khademi, Seyed Babak Alavi
    13th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2023
  29. "Validation of travel satisfaction scale in women's use of shared transportation in Iran"
    Yasaman Rabieijah, Sayna Firoozi Yeganeh, Navid Khademi, حجت الله فراهانی
    13th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2023
  30. "Investigating the factors affecting the use of shared bicycle service considering the spread of the Corona pandemic"
    Golnoosh Sarkandi, Mohammad Arbabpour Bidgoli, Navid Khademi, حجت اله فراهانی
    13th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2023
  31. "Identifying the problems in the activities related to crisis management by stakeholders of the mass gatherings in Iran"
    Sayna Firoozi Yeganeh, Kimia Afand, Solmaz Arzhangi, Amin Nazari, Navid Khademi, Mehdi Hasanzadeh
    The 7th comprehensive crisis management and HSE conference, 2022
  32. "Investigating the factors affecting student's long-term trip choice using hybrid choice models"
    Sayna Firoozi Yeganeh, Hamed Malekzadeh, Navid Khademi
    The 18th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2020
  33. "Allocating locomotives to the rail system with consideration of operational schedule and location of depot stations"
    Jamal Khosro, Mostafa Bababeik, Navid Khademi
    6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering, 2019
  34. "A defender-attacker-defender DAD) model to reduce the vulnerability of rail transport networks connected to a semi-flexible bus system"
    AREF BABAZADEH, Navid Khademi, Abbas Babazadeh
    11th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2018
  35. "Using Defender-attacker-defender Model for Reducing Vulnerability of Rail Transportation Networks Connected to semi-Flexible Bus System"
    AREF BABAZADEH, Navid Khademi, Abbas Babazadeh
    11th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2018
  36. "Locating Relief Vehicles (Rescue Trains) in the Islamic Republic Railway Network"
    Mostafa Bababeyk, Navid Khademi, Hashem Kalantari, Hossein Amin Sadrabadi
    11th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2018
  37. "Using attacker-defender model for transit network vulnerability analysis"
    AREF BABAZADEH, Navid Khademi, Abbas Babazadeh
    17th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2018
  38. "Adjusting train timetable according to railway track maintenance plan"
    Mostafa Bababeyk, Navid Khademi, Mohammad Farjadamin
    17th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2018
  39. "Impact of urban transport network disruptions on passengers' departure time choices"
    Navid Khademi, Mostafa Bababeyk, Amirmasoud Almotahari
    10th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2017
  40. "Identification of critical areas in the HazMat rail transportation network: Transportation of LPG from Isfahan to Zahedan"
    Morteza Bagheri, Masoud Khanmohammadi, Navid Khademi
    10th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2017
  41. "An overview of uninterrupted railway system timetabling due to disruption of the rail network"
    Mohammad Farjadamin, Mostafa Bababeyk, Navid Khademi
    10th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2017
  42. "Formulation of Transit Assignment Problem in Conditions of Network Uncertainty and Presenting an Applicable Algorithm for its Solution"
    AREF BABAZADEH, Navid Khademi, Abbas Babazadeh, Kambiz Behniya
    Tenth National Congress on Civil Engineering, 2017
  43. "Application of Game Theory to Transit Assignment in Conditions of Stop Waiting Time Uncertainty"
    AREF BABAZADEH, Navid Khademi, Abbas Babazadeh, Kambiz Behniya
    the 16th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017
  44. "Multi-Link Blockage Vulnerability Analysis of Railways"
    Mostafa Bababeyk, Navid Khademi, Kambiz Behniya
    3rd Comprehensive Conference on Risk Management and HSE, 2016
  45. "Optimal utilization of the rail network capacity: Modeling the cost of combined road and rail systems in the multi-modal transportation network"
    Navid Khademi, Ramin Saedi, Hashem Kalantari, Ebrahim Ali Razini
    17th International Conference on Rail Transportation, 2015
  46. "Modeling the Departure Time Choice using Discrete Choice Models: Case Study of Mashhad"
    Hamed Khorrami, Navid Khademi, Abbas Babazadeh
    7th Urban Planning and Management Conference, 2015
  47. "Modeling the start time of daily trips using multiple logit model"
    Hamed Khorrami, Navid Khademi, Abbas Babazadeh
    National Conference on Architecture, Engineering, and Urban Development, 2015
  48. "Second National Conference on architecture, civil engineering, and modern urban development"
    Hamed Khorrami, Navid Khademi, Abbas Babazadeh
    Modeling time to start daily trips using multiple logit model, 2015
  49. "Determining the travel time in urban arteries using the position information detectors installed on the municipal bus fleet"
    Roozbeh Foroozandeh, Navid Khademi, Mojtaba Rajabi Bahaabdi
    First Iranian Conference on New Horizons in Geographical Sciences,Architecture and Urban Planning, 2015
  50. "Evaluating the level of service of public-bus transit system in Tehran in terms of daily and weekly changes of passenger travel time"
    Roozbeh Foroozandeh, Mojtaba Rajabi Bahaabdi, Navid Khademi
    First Iranian Conference on New Horizons in Geographical Sciences, Architecture and Urban Planning, 2015
  51. "Using information from smartphones for automatic monitoring of traffic conditions on urban highways"
    Roozbeh Foroozandeh, Farshad Hakimpour, Navid Khademi
    First National Conference on Sustainable Urban Development, 2015
  52. "A Hybrid Method for Multiple-Criteria Decision Making Under Uncertainty, Applied for Modifying Intersections’ Geometric Design"
    Mohsen Babaei, Navid Khademi, Moeid Zahabiun, Jalil Sanaeiha, Mehrdad Mostofian, Mohammad Kheradmand, Ebrahim Pourhossein, Majid Amiri
    14th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2015
  53. "Transportation Vulnerability Analysis: A Taxonomic Review"
    Navid Khademi, Amirmasoud Almotahari, Mostafa Bababeyk, Kambiz Behniya
    2nd National Conference on Disaster Management and HSE, 2014
  54. "Vulnerability Analysis of National Railway Network"
    Navid Khademi, Mostafa Bababeyk, Kambiz Behniya, Amirmasoud Almotahari
    2nd National Conference on Disaster Management and HSE, 2014
  55. "Travel Time Estimation of Highway Network Links Using Probe Vehicle Data"
    Roozbeh Foroozandeh, Navid Khademi, Farshad Hakimpour
    21th National Geomatic Conference, 2014
  56. "Economic Evaluation of Rail Mass Transit Systems Using Equivalent Uniform Annual Values and Considering Uncertainties in the Actual Rate of Return"
    Sajjad Abbastabar, Navid Khademi, Kambiz Behniya
    8th National Conference on Civil Engineering, 2014
  57. "Economic Evaluation (Benefit-Cost Analysis) of Mass Transit System Projects: Making a Comparison between Iran’s and Developed Countries’ Methods"
    Sajjad Abbastabar, Navid Khademi, Kambiz Behniya
    The 13th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2014
  58. "An Overview of the Vehicle Routing Problem: Fundamentals and Future Prospects"
    مجتبی رجبی, Afshin Shariat Mohaymany, Navid Khademi
    The 12th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2013
  59. "Rail Passenger Network Robustness Analysis"
    Navid Khademi, Hashem Kalantari, ایرج صدری
    The 15th International Conference on Rail Transportation, 2012